Sunday, June 27, 2021

Emily's Backpack

Who left the backpack in the cemetery? 

A question buzzing around Room 8 as we unpacked the backpack, reading the letter left inside to see who it might belong to and how we may be able to help. 

This begins a unit Room 8 are working on through Mitey (Sir John Kirwan Foundation) to see the difference between: 
 Running To Vs Running Away 
and the personal worries we might have that reflect the choices we make... 

 Emily's Backpack is a unit on supporting others and our own Mental Health! 

 Watch this space to see how we develop and work with Emily and how we might be able to help and support not only her but our peers and  loved ones too.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

This past Tuesday roles were reversed... the youngsters were teaching the oldies! 

St Patrick's students lead staff from other Manaiakalani schools through an animated video using process drama. 

The themes found within the video were Difference, Fear, Hope and Love. Through many different drama conventions, cut throughout the video, staff were able to explore and experience character development gaining a glimpse of how vocab and inference could be developed... not to mention empathy, compassion and understanding.

Our wonderful students clearly articulated and shared their understanding representing St Patrick's and their whanau with pride! 

We all hope the 'oldies' were inspired and took away an understanding that learning can be fun!