Monday, August 26, 2019

EPro 8 Challenge

Last Wednesday a team from Room 8 competed in the EPro 8 Challenge which is an engineering and problem solving race. Our Team, called 'The Saints,' Anamaria, Kevin, Roneeza and Xavier were based at a workstation containing an impressive assortment of easy to use parts and equipment. The 3 hour event began with a tutorial on the equipment all the teams would use. They were given a booklet containing a number of challenges.  The teams chose which challenge they wished to undertake. The Saints chose to build an elevator. The harder the challenge, the more points it was worth. There is not enough time to finish all the challenges - so strategy is required to know which ones to go for. When the teams had completed a challenge they pushed the "Big Red Button". They were then judged and the points added to a live leaderboard. We were so proud of The Saints and plan to participate again next year!



  1. Hello, my name is Kevin, from Saint Patrick's School, but you already knew that, since I'm in the same school as you guys. The Vector EPro8 challenge was quite fun, but it was no cakewalk. There were electric circuits, shortage of vital resources, and a whole lot of random moving parts and metal beams! Still, I'm glad we got fifth place on the competition. I hope to compete in the competition again, maybe not in Saint Patrick's, but in another, equally cool school.

    From Kevin.

  2. Hi Michelle George,
    I am a year 7 student attending Saint Patrick's school. I really like the way you guys did a lot of team work and communicating with each other to figure out what and how to build the structure you were working on,
    if you would like to see my blog it is

  3. This is post is interesting because I want to know if it was difficult to create those contraptions.
